Daphna Stern is an Israeli filmmaker. She has been photographing professionally since 2014 and her photos have been inspired by her world travel and cultural experiences. Her work has been featured in several publications, exhibitions and main news channels as noted below on this page.
In 2018, she graduated with a B.A. degree with a mark of honor in Photographic Communication from the Hadassah College in Jerusalem.
Prior to attending Hadassah College, Daphna was a Padi and SSI licensed Scuba Diving Instructor with over 3,000 dives all over the world with different environments. With her passion for diving, she strives to capture moments under the water and tell the story of our oceans.
"Dreph - A Moment in Time" - Short documentary.
"My Safe Place" - Short documentary - Winner of "HaBayta" - short film competition by Ma'ale film school, Israel.
"Dead Sea" - Video clip - for Spoken Swing feature in main channel in Israel.
Exhibitions shown her photographs and films:
"Washington DC Photo Exhibition." The Fridge Gallery, Washington DC, USA, 2020.
"Taking Stock," Azrieli Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel, 2020.
"Yotz'im Laor," Portfolio magazine, Old Jaffa, Israel 2018.
"Personal Matter," Graduate Exhibition - Hadassah Academic Collage, Jerusalem, Israel, 2018.
"I'm in an Extreme Environment" competition, 2nd place, Israel Space Agency, 2018.
"Fractions" Edmond de Rothschild Center, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2016.
"Nature through the Lens," Eilat, Israel, 2016.
"My Home," Nagila, Jerusalem, Israel, 2015.
"Chile in the Israeli Lens," Tel Aviv, Israel, 2014.
"Window to my World 2", Karmiel, Israel, 2009.
"Window to my World," Karmiel, Israel, 2008.
Articles she photographed and wrote:
"La fiesta de la Tirana" Masa Acher Magazine, August 2014.
"Ghost Villages" Teva Hadbarim Magazine, February 2017.
"Galapagos Islands" Masa Acher Magazine, November 2018.
"Eilat" Masa Acher Magazine, November 2018.
"Underwater Paradise: Maldives" Mako, February 2022.
"Crazy world: Galapagos" Mako, January 2023.
The interview she takes:
"Main Newscast" Channel 13, Israeli Channel.
"Ha'olam Ha'yom" Kan, Channel 11, Israeli Channel.